Gorilla Pad, Happy Bottom and Foam

by Don

I'm going to install a Tahitian 18' x 33' this summer. I've used sand on the last one and had a bumpy floor. This time I'm going to use foam board for the pool floor. 3 questions:

1.) Pink board or blue board? (I'm leaning towards blue as it has tongue & grooved.)

2.) 1.5 inch or 2 inch?

3.) Gorilla pad or happy bottom on top of that?

I've seen pictures of gorilla pad and it seems bunchy, wondering if it smooths out. Coupled with the fact of trying to smooth a liner over it. Whereas happy bottom is smooth. Last install I cut it to fit before the wall was up and laid it in for a perfect fit.

Thanks so much for your time and your generosity in answering my questions.

Don W.

Hi Don.

The tongue and groove in the 1 1/2" would be my choice. I have never been impressed with Gorilla pad but the happy bottom is easy to work with.

When I have used foam in the past I never used anything over it. It seems to have the perfect feel on the feet when using the pool. You may want to consider doing without the additional cushion.

For more related information about pool pads visit this page.

Preformed Pool Cove

Comments for Gorilla Pad, Happy Bottom and Foam

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May 10, 2009
Gorilla Pad
by: Anonymous

I put down a 24' gorilla pad then the foam on top of that.....the gorilla pad is to prevent the nut grass problem I have had in the past.....I then had the liner put in on top of the foam....good luck

Apr 10, 2012
Where to buy?
by: Diana

I've looked at Lowes and Home Depot and online and can not find any 1.5 inch T&G insulation sheets, sheathing, boards, etc. I really want to set up my pool and avoid the lumpy bottom.

Also, would you recommend (or not) laying down a layer of chicken wire under the foam board to prevent gophers from digging through?

Thanks for you help!

Hi Diana. The thickness is not that big of a deal. One inch would work also. Putting something under the foam is probably a good idea. It just depends on your vegetation and the harmful animals you may have in your yard.

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