How Much Sand for Above Ground Pool

by Eve
(Craigsville, West Virginia)

I have a 24' x 4' above ground swimming pool and I was wondering how much sand I will need for it. Thank you, Eve

Hi Eve.

A 24' above ground pool should use about 5 tons of sand. For more information about how sand is sold and how much you need see this page.

Sand for an Above Ground Pool

This page might help you also.

Above Ground Pool Installation Mistakes

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Jul 13, 2010
by: Mary

I purchased a used Lomart pool 27' round 4' deep. Very nice pool. My yard slopes approx 18'' at the low end. So my son and a few of his friends talk to some other friends who tell them this end slope can be build up, if done right. First mistake, he has 20 yards of dirt and 8 tons of sand delivered. Mapped out the area, which is the only corner in my yard this big. I have 1 tree in the yard which I don?t want to loose, and don?t have the money to. All this is now spread out, they then decide to make a ditch around the back of he pool and place cement forms in the ground around only the back end. (this would be the bottom of the slope) Is there any possible this can be worked with? I am now broke and have pool parts all over my yard. Some people tell me you can build up for a pool and some people tell me you cant. I really want this pool, but am ready to throw it away, and try to remove all this sand and dirt from my yard, please help, can i save this project? They have also placed bags of cement behind this back end wall telling me this will take hold and keep it from shifting, Mary in Michigan.

Hi Mary. Yes, a pool area can be built up. The key factors are using a material that will pack, like dirt or crushed granite. You also need to make sure the area is several feet larger than the pool. Landscaping the area to keep it from washing out might be needed also.

I was a little concerned when you said all the material had been spread out. If you mean the sand also you might be in trouble. Take a look at this pool installation and make sure yours is being done something like it.

Diamond Star Pool Installation

Oval Pool Installation

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