Installing Pool on Patio Pavers

by Bobman

We are installing a 16' x 48" above ground pool. Most of the area is concrete pavers (level) but about 100 sq ft is of grass was removed to complete the circle area. We stamped the soil and added sand to make it level with the concrete pavers.

Is this going to work? Or should we be putting sand above the pavers to make it softer on the feet?


The best way to do it would be to raise the grass area with dirt or crushed granite. After raising it to the level of the pavers sand can then be spread over the entire pool area.

Be sure to pile the sand in the center of the pool until the wall is up, then spread it out.

Using sand to raise a low area will end up with more footprints than you would want to deal with. It does not pack nearly as well as dirt or crushed granite and using more than a couple of inches will lead to a lumpy pool bottom.

Because you have part of your pool that will not settle, meaning the pavers, be sure to pack the raised area. It should be watered and packed until you are sure it will not settle. It would look funny if a small area of your pool floor were lower than the rest.

Aside from being softer on the feet there is another reason to put something over your pavers. Vinyl liners should never sit directly on blocks or concrete, it's to abrasive and will wear holes in the liner in a short period of time.

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Jul 14, 2010
Pool over pavers
by: Bobman

Thanks for your advice. We do have a tarp between the pavers and pool liner. Is that okay... or will the pavers still wear out the pool liner?

Hi. The tarp is a big help but a pool pad or sand is still better.

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