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Above Ground Pool E-books

For Above Ground Pool Owners

What's an e-book?  It's a downloadable book you can start reading immediately.  Why would you want one?  So you can save money.

Let me explain.  I am an above ground pool professional installer.  In over fifty years I have installed every type of pool meant to hold a vinyl liner.  I learned a few things over that period of time.

I learned how to install new pools very well.  I would install hundreds a year.  I would also come to the rescue of people who tried to install their own pool.  I would undo everything, move it all aside, and start over.  Doing this taught me an awful lot about what people would do wrong on a regular basis.

After looking at the instructions that come with most of these pools I can understand the frustration and misunderstanding.

above ground pool installation e-book
So I wrote a little manual meant to save you hundreds of dollars.  I guarantee this small $10.00 cost will save you money, one way or the next.

If you fill a pool only to have to drain it and start again you are looking at between $50.00 and $400.00 depending on your water source and depending on if you have added chemicals to the pool.  It is really amazing the number of people who fill their pools before they know they have problems.

If you tear a liner you are looking at hundreds to replace it, this happens a lot.  If you get into the middle of something you can't get out of the installation cost is more than had the installers been able to start from scratch.

I have heard a million times "but my husband has been working on it for three weekends, isn't that worth something?"  That's not the way it works, especially when everything he did needs removed and then redone.

After looking at all the pool installation photos in my book you may decide it really is too much for you.  You have saved money by not unpacking the boxes.

Your time is worth money.  By only doing things once you will save many hours you could be doing something else, like enjoying the new pool with your family.

Don't build it wrong just so you will have the pleasure of doing it all over again.  Do it right the first time and enjoy it.

I can help in a couple of ways.  My Round Pool Installation book is only $10.00.

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If you are still having problems, or just need further assistance, I have an unlimited consulting fee of $35.00.  You pay just once and I am at your service for as long as you need me.  Simply leave your email address and I will get back to you with mine.  From there we talk back and forth, hopefully you send me photos, and we get the pool installed.

I had a great one last year.  A lady had her brother in law, the engineer, and her dad, the thinker, and her husband, the laborer, all working on her pool.  She sat on the patio giving instructions because she had me.  She was really fun to work with and she really impressed the guys with her knowledge.

I am sure you will be happy with my service.

Anyone paying the $35.00 will be sent copies of both books, Round Pool Installation and Swimming Pool Questions and Answers, included in the one time fee.


above ground pool questions e-book
I also have a little book called Swimming Pool Questions and Answers.  It's over 70 questions I have been asked over the years along with the answers.  It's well worth the $5.00 for any above ground pool owner, whether the pool is installed or still in boxes.

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Find Me on Kindle

This is a helpful selection of books I have written for above ground pool owners. At the Kindle store for just $2.99 each.

Above Ground Pool Installation Questions Kindle Cover Above Ground Pool Liner Questions Kindle Cover Above Ground Pool Filter Questions Kindle Cover Above Ground Pool Questions Kindle Cover


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