Belize Pool on Concrete Slab

by Tammy
(Bloomfield, Nebraska USA)

We had a 18' diameter slab poured for a pool pad and had a soft sided pool on it last year. This year we purchased a 15' diameter Belize metal walled pool.

It states in the instructions not to put it on concrete but we have no area that is level and that is why we poured the pool pad.

I have read here about using foam in the inside of the diameter of the pool. Is that for just around the perimeter like 8-10" around or the whole diameter of the pool and what kind of foam would be best to use?

If there is something else we should use, please feel free to comment.

It took 3 weeks to get the pool and we would like to get it set up.

Thank you very much, Johnson

Hi Tammy

Concrete is one of the best bases you could have for an above ground pool, as long as it's level. You need a pool pad under the liner to keep it from sitting directly on the concrete. Around the outer edge you need some preformed pool cove.

Ideally you should have enough drainage so the pool does not sit in a puddle of water when it rains. That's about it, set it up and enjoy it.

Comments for Belize Pool on Concrete Slab

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Jul 13, 2014
by: Tammy

Thank you for your comment.
I was looking and found a gladen pool coving.
Is that what I should get for the inside perimeter?

Yes, that's correct.

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