Double Up Above Ground Pool Walls

by Gary

Buckled Above Ground Pool Wall

Buckled Above Ground Pool Wall

My pool wall buckled last winter around the bottom edge where it goes into the track. I still have a one year old pool wall that this happened to two years ago that I kept as a spare.

Can I put this wall inside the buckled wall after I straighten it out as a double wall?

Hi Gary.

That is an excellent idea. Two sidewalls will last forever. The only problem I can see you having is around the top. The two walls will have to fit very tight around the top for the coping to stay in place. That could be difficult.

Another problem might be getting the inside wall to fit into the bottom track. This could be accomplished by opening up the track a little with a screw driver. Whatever it takes, the second wall needs to go into the bottom track.

The easiest way to do the top might be to snip off the top six inches of the inside wall. The edge could be hammered flat and then duct taped to the existing wall. This keeps it out of the way of the coping, rods and such.

But yes, it's a great idea and a good way to get many more years out of your pool.

Comments for Double Up Above Ground Pool Walls

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Jul 04, 2011
repaired pool wall
by: Gary in Smithfield,RI

Just wanted to let everyone know that I put my old pool wall inside my newer damaged wall as a double wall. I cut the inside wall in half length wise with a cut off blade in my circular saw and riveted it inside my new wall every two feet or so. The inside wall is two feet high and went into the track ok. It was filled three weeks ago and have been using it ever since with no problems at all. Thanks for your web site it has been very helpful.

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