Inner Stabilizer Rail On Above Ground Pool

by Don
(Central IL.)

I am in the process of installing an 18' x 33' Sharkline pool and have discovered a couple of issues with the install.

The top inner stabilizer rails that go on the top of the curved sides of the pool wall have one end crimped so that it telescopes into the next piece. But as you put these stabilizer rails over a coping beaded receiver, where the rail is crimped it no longer will lay as flat as the non crimped portion of the rail. This happens to be directly over the curved side top cap.

So now you install the curved side top cap and it won't sit flat and you can't get all three of the screws in. If you were to look at the rail where it is crimped, it looks like a "M". I took a grinder and cut/ground out the "V" portion (about 2 inches) of the "M" and now it lays flatter. By grinding out that portion, did I just compromise the integrity of the inner stabilizer rail?

2nd. question: All of the curved side uprights are level left to right, but are slightly off of plumb from the front of the upright. All of them are leaning out! All of the 8x16 concrete blocks underneath them were level left to right and front to back when I set them. When the pool fills, will these uprights become plumb again because of the pressure of the water, or do I have a concern here? When I set the blocks it took two days to set 14 blocks level with a transit and level across them. I used crushed limestone for a leveling base and was sure before the wall went up that they were level.

One last question. I scratched the pool wall on the inside and on the outside. The outside has a pattern on it. What can I use to seal the scratches?

Thanks so much.

Don W.

Hi Don.

The stabilizer rods on that pool have always been a pain, especially on the oval models. What you did will in no way compromise the integrity of the pool. My method is to put my knee into the sidewall while I am installing the side screws. This causes the wall to bow inward and the cap will lower into place allowing the holes to line up. When the screws are in I just smack the wall from the inside and it pops back into place.

My suggestion about the uprights would be this. Completely assemble the pool without the liner and water. With the pool completely assembled you have a very good idea what it will look like full. With an oval pool you might get by with the braces leaning inward just slightly. The water pressure might push them out so that they look straight. You would never want to start filling a pool if the sides are leaning out. They could push out farther and cause real problems.

I would strongly recommend raising each block or using shims over the blocks. Working on an empty pool is much easier than one full of water. Completely assembling the pool without the liner gives you a very good look at how the pool will look full of water. Take all of the time needed at this stage to make everything straight and properly aligned.

Fingernail polish, spray paint or even silicone are all good ways to treat scratches. The pool walls are treated to prevent rust and when that is damaged it is a real good idea to reseal it with something.

Comments for Inner Stabilizer Rail On Above Ground Pool

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Jul 19, 2009
Stabilizer rails are rusting
by: Howie

I have a real old above ground pool. I started to notice rust stains on the perimeter of the pool and I just found the source. The stabilizer rails are badly rusting and the rust is falling into the pool. I know I have to remove the rails. I am assuming I do one section at a time to make sure the pool wall does not shift. Do I need to replace the rusted rails with new rails? Is steel rails the only way to go?


You would need to replace the stabilizer rods several rails at a time. Most of them are still steel, but there are some aluminum ones out there. One of these two sites should have the parts you need.

Aug 02, 2011
Question regarding inner stabilizer bars being too long
by: Anonymous

As I installed the inner stabilizer bars I found the last bar was about 6 inches too long. I pulled them off and started again, this time I made sure they were as tight as possible (without blowing out the receiving end). It's still about 3 inches too long. It appears that the top of the wall is a smaller diameter than the bottom. I started filling the pool in hopes that the pressure will push the top of the wall out allowing the connection of the final stabilizer bar. Is this a mistake?


Some stabilizer bars interlock. If this is the case they can be pushed together a little tighter. There have been times, when working with rods that do not interlock, I've had to use a hack saw and take a few inches off of the last one. I would not put to much water in the pool without the rods in place.

Sep 16, 2012
inner top stabilizer rails
by: Valorie

I have a 28 foot round Doughboy pool that is 13 years old and I am in need of the stabilizer rails that go the top. Do you have any suggestions? Have looked at the websites you posted patiostore and asahiparts but with no luck.

Jul 16, 2014
Stabilizer Rail
by: Anonymous

I searched for hours trying to find stabilizer rails to replace my rusted and disintegrating rails on my Doughboy pool. I finally found them at Mid West Pools and my husband and I replaced the liner clips (which were also disintegrating) and rusted section of stabilizer rails about a month ago, with very little problem -- we did have to buy new screws to reattach the top rails because most of them were rusted. NOTE: You will need half "large" rails and half "small" rails as they overlap.

Oct 02, 2014
top stabilizer bars
by: Julius

I bought a 12x`7 reprieve oval pool I can not get the last 2 rails on, they are to long. I can't seem to get any answers. also how come the bottom rails are shorter than the top rails. I've read the manual and watched the video till I can't read any more, need some help, thanks

Hi Julius

If there are big ones and little ones, as I assume there are, they interlock. The small ones slide into the larger ones about four inches. Doing this makes it all work out in the end.

Jul 08, 2016
Inner Stablizer Rail
by: Fred Y.

Just opened my 24' Above Ground Round pool in June of 2016. This is our 3rd Season. Believe it or not our Top Rails are badly Rusted and our Inner Top Wall Stabilizer Rails are also rusted some not so bad but others really bad.

I plan to brush some Automotive Rust Conversion liquid on those not so badly rusted. Owning an above ground pool before this one that lasted 25 years I had no problem replacing the Top Rails with others I purchased in the past. The manufacturer guaranteed the parts but it cost me $340 for shipping and handling.

My question is can a Top Inner Stabilizer be changed out and replaced with a new one without taking the water out of the pool. Hoping someone is going to tell me this can be done. I would be taking 2 top rails off to try to accomplish this and I believe 2 seats that the Top Rails screw down into to get to one Rusted out Top Wall Stabilizer that I need to replace that sits over the liner and upper pool wall.

Can it be done safely with water in the pool is my question? There would be 14 other Top Pool Rails and 16 Top Wall Stabilizers still in place at the time as the 24' round pool uses 18 Top Wall Stabilizers and 16 Top Rails.

Hi Fred

The pool will stand just fine the only problem is attaching the last rail once the repair is done. The rails spread just enough to make it difficult. Either have plenty of help or drop the water by just a foot to make it easier.

Jul 14, 2016
Replacing Rusted Wall Stablizers
by: Fred Y.

Thankyou for your suggestion. I plan on tackling the situation this weekend. I already replaced 9 of the 16 Rusted out Top Rails with Resin Replacements and while they were off 3 at a time I sanded 9 inner rusty stablizers that were in decent shape but had loose rust on them that was dropping into the pool. Coated them with Loctite Extend Rust Treatment afterward. Trying to buy some extra time with them and prevent anymore loose rust from falling into the pool.

I am still a little worried about having water in the pool but to let it all out would be out of the question. I believe a foot down would be just below the Skimmer. I can do that. I have delt with rust before and sometimes pieces almost weld themselves together with Rust which will mean I will have to cut them off.

I have 16 new metal replacements. Do you suggest that I replace then all? Was hoping to just replace the ones that are really bad and I want to keep at least 13 Top Rails attached while doing 3 at a time that I feel I can possibly do. Hoping that trying to lift 3 will make for disconnecting them being I never delt with this type of situation before.


I would do the repairs as long as it seems to be working.

Jul 24, 2022
by: Ted

I'm having same problem with rusting bad and will do sections at a time on replacing stabilizers so I guess if I take my time it can be done with water still in it.

Jul 04, 2024
Top Inner Stabilizer Rails
by: Anonymous

WHY OH WHY are these so had to locate! I would think there woudl be someone that has replacements and want my money?? I am having a very hard tie finding these inner rails. I have a very old 24' pool that when we put it up 14 years ago - I had to get the parts from Canada!! Geesh!! I have tried searching online and the suggested sites listed here.. NO LUCK so far? Are they really that rare of an item?? I did notice that SOME sites had resin ones? Would those be a viable replacement for the steel ones - as far as stability goes??? ~Gina

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