Leveling the Ground for an AGP

by Chris Moore
(Chalfont, PA)

I am in the process of leveling the ground for a 24' round agp.

My ground is not too bad, only about 5" off on the high side. The problem is it is very rocky where I live, so leveling has become a much bigger job than expected.

My question is, rather than digging down high side, can I use a crushed limestone base, and level the ground by adding more crushed limestone on the low side and compacting everything?


Chris Moore


Hi Chris.

There is nothing wrong with building up an area with a base that will pack solid. I do it all the time.

The thing to consider is the ledge around the pool. The more you raise an area the larger the ledge should be. I would normally go 2 - 3 foot beyond the pool with a ledge.

In some cases a retaining wall would be recommended. You really need to use your judgement and build a firm base that will not wash out.

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May 26, 2012
Thanks! One more question
by: Chris

I used a crushed stone screening. It worked great! I packed it with a plate compactor and it is like a asphalt driveway! My question is, since the base is so solid so I still need to put each bottom plate on a patio block or should I be fine just putting everything on the solid screening base?

Thanks again. Your site has been an unbelievable help!!!

Hi Chris. If it is solid, and if it will stay that way, you are fine without blocks.

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