Platform for Above Ground Pool

by Mom
(Apex, North Carolina)

Background info: My husband purchased an new 18' diameter above ground pool (I believe it is an Intex, 52" high with the metal support frames) and has spent the past week creating a level area in our backyard (requires side of the 18' circle to be raised about 14" from the area where the ground was previously) and is now working on installing the retaining wall that will encircle about 1/2 of the pool.

Now to my question: As the pool when filled would be above our youngest daughter's head, I am looking for some type of platform that could be set up inside the pool on one side of the pool area for her to sit on and play - although we will be in the pool with both daughters and they have just taken swimming lessons and know how to swim (they are 5 and 7), I would like her to be able to be in the pool without having to swim or float the entire time.

Although their swimming instructor said such platforms exist, I have been unable to find any on the internet using the term platform. Does such an item exist and can you recommend one? Thanks so much!

Hi Mom

The only platforms I know of are the molded plastic steps sold for steel wall above ground pools. This page shows as example of one.

Wedding Cake Steps

I'm sure more elaborate type platforms can be built but I have not seen them sold commercially. The problem you might run into trying to do this is algae growing under the platform. That's one of the biggest problems people report about their wedding cake steps. This problem is somewhat taken care of by tying chlorinators, filled with chlorine tabs, behind and inside the steps.

child in pool

I do know how fast kids adapt to the deeper water, and I do know how fast they learn to swim. Having raised four daughters in above ground pools I can tell you that, between the arm rings and a few inflatables, they have a great time and learn to swim amazingly fast.

Comments for Platform for Above Ground Pool

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Jul 11, 2012
picture of your projesct
by: Anonymous

I would love to see a picture of your finished pool and how you got your ground level with the retaining wall.

I am working on a similar project.

thank you

May 30, 2017
Pool platforms
by: MJ

If you are still trying to find one for your pool, try looking at Pinterest. Search Pool Platforms. There are all kinds of homemade and some you can buy. They are generally used by those who teach children to swim. May be expensive. Hope this helps!

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