Rusted Pool Uprights

by Thomas
(Scranton PA USA)

I have a 21 foot round above ground pool, installed 6 years ago. I noticed this year that the uprights are rusting at the bottom. Some of them are in the ground about 30 inches and some are at ground level.

My questions are, (1) Have you ever seen this? (2)If the manufacturer will help me out with this and send us new ones, will I be able to install these without taking down the pool?

I also would like to know how much support these uprights have since the wall of the pool never touches the support. Thank You In advance for your reply.

Hi Thomas.

Some soil types do eat away at pool parts faster than others, so, yes I have seen this type of thing. I have seen good quality pools rusted away after a couple of years, while the same pool two miles across town has stood for twenty years and is still in good condition.

Changing the posts should be an easy task. It could actually be done with the pool full of water, but draining a foot or so out of it will make the job easier. The wall could spread just enough to make lining the screw holes up difficult.

As far as support goes, if the pool is level and round, you should be able to remove all the uprights and top rails and go swimming. They act as support if you are walking or sitting on the top rails, they do not hold the pool up.

There are many ways to reinforce these uprights if you would rather patch them up and get by a few more years. The integrity of your pool will not be compromised.

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Oct 01, 2011
Where to buy pool uprights
by: Anonymous

We have an above the ground pool that is only about 5 years old. Two of the uprights have completely rusted out at the bottom. We have a salt water pool and the sloshed out water tends to puddle at that part of the pool, which is why they rusted out. Can you tell me of anyone who sells replacement uprights? I can't find anyone. Thanks

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