Tiny Bubbles On Bottom Of Pool

My wife and I just replaced our liner and we are currently adding water. There is about a foot of water in the pool and we have noticed tiny bubbles around the bottom of the pool.

What is this from? Do we possible have leaks in our new liner?


I have wondered that often myself, since I see it so often. It has something to do with the water coming out of the hose, and nothing to do with a leak in the pool liner.

Somewhere along the line, and it could be anywhere, air is getting into the water line. Air leaks are funny and hard to find because they only leak when the water is running, much like air leaks in filter systems that only leak air when the filter is running.

Anyway, it is not a hole in the liner, they do not leave air bubbles. When the liner has a hole, the water goes straight out of the pool without leaving any clues as to where it is leaking from.

So yes, air bubbles on the bottom of the pool, when filling it, are very normal and nothing to worry about.

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Jul 11, 2012
bubbles still after 1 1/2 months
by: Anonymous

We got new liner last fall and closed right away. Then open as normal this year, water was pretty clean and no problems. Just tiny bubbles on side and bottom of liner. Vacuumed sides and walls and bottom very well. Still bubbles there? Any one know what this is and can tell me?

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