Are you finally ready to spiff up your yard with an above ground pool resin deck? Trust me, the kids will love you for it.
Pool decks always start as a great idea until you start putting the math to the size and the cost.
You probably want a deck large enough to enjoy that won't put you in dept the rest of your life.
Let's compare the cost of an above ground pool resin deck verse that of a wood deck. An adequate size for a pool deck would be about a 5' x 15'. That is 75 square feet. The wood decks that we build cost about twenty dollars a square foot for us to build. That puts the cost of this deck at about fifteen hundred dollars.
The deck would include the outside steps but not the entry system into the pool. Your existing A-frame ladder could be modified but a new set of pool steps are so much nicer. The price for these steps will be about four hundred dollars.
The wood deck will need a second coat of stain within the first few months and then every year after that. We could easily add another hundred for maintenance and you would have about two thousand dollars invested in a very nice deck.
These prices are based on you hiring someone to do the work for you. Turning the deck into a do-it-yourself project will save on the expenses and all you need to get started are some deck plans and lots of lumber.
The two biggest drawbacks to wood decks are the time it takes to build one and the yearly maintenance. Above ground pool resin decks are fast to set up and be using the next day. There will never be any maintenance on a resin deck, just many hours of fun and enjoyment.
So am I totally sold on resin decks? Nope. Never had one, it's always been wood for me. Resin decks are rapidly gaining in popularity and have become a very interesting option for above ground pools. They are sure worth taking a close look at. In my dealings with pool customers on a daily basis I have yet to hear anything bad about them.
This is a 5' x 15' resin deck designed to fit any above ground pool. The installation is quick and easy, the maintenance is next to zero. The deck ladder is included in the package and the outside ladder is child safe. All of this for about eighteen hundred dollars and a days set up time.
Free Standing Deck, 3-Feet by 5-Feet by 52-Inch
This 3' X 5' resin deck is another example of what is available in the way of pre-fabricated pool decks. This model would again fit any model of above ground pool and the installation is easy enough for a do-it-yourselfer. Click the link for more product information.
It is very tempting, considering how long it will stay looking this nice, and no splinters.
Part of your enjoyment will be from following the instructions to the tee. The deck will look nicer, be safer, and a lot sturdier if the posts are set on level patio blocks. Read all the reviews and see what others say about resin decks.