Beaded Liner Coming Out Of Receiver

by Ivy
(Franklin Lakes, NJ)

I had an above ground pool liner installed yesterday. The pool is 18' x 33' oval beaded.

We started to fill it up with water and noticed that the liner came out of the bead on two sides. We still have about 18" to go with water fill up. Is this a major problem?

Hi Ivy.

Yes, I would consider this a major problem. If the liner can be put back into the bead receiver without draining any water, then maybe it's not a big problem, but that's not usually the case.

I would shut off the water and call the installer. Maybe they can pull the liner up enough to get it securely into the receiver. If the can't, the pool will need to be drained down enough for them to be able to do so.

Most of the time when this happens the bead was not securely seated into the receiver. That's not always the case. The receiver may be worn and not able to hold the bead. The bead may not be the one designed for that particular receiver. There could be many causes but most of the time resetting the liner, and refilling the pool, will take care of the problem.

There are bead locks available that in a worst case scenario may be needed. They snap into place behind the liner bead making it a tighter fit in the receiver. I have had to use these on many occasions.

One of the worst phone call an installer can get is the one you are about to make. Beaded liners can be such a pain in the butt sometimes. But, it is something we have to follow up on and go back as many times as it takes to get it right. Hopefully your installers will take it in stride and make it right for you.

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Beaded Liner Came Off During Installation

by Dave
(Ontario, Canada)

I just recently installed an 18' above ground pool and went through great lengths to make sure everything was level and secure. I used a 3/4" foam bottom base on top of sand (and used sand for the pool cove).

When we started to fill the pool the liner pulled away from the bead after it was about 1/8 full. Local pool store mentioned that probably needed to raise the pool base up.

Question is how much, and from where, would you estimate that this should be added? I don't want this to happen again and as well don't want it too slack, as I've heard that can also cause the liner to come off.

PS - Great site learned lot here (but obviously not how to install the liner!!)

Hi Dave.

I would try doing the initial filling during the hottest part of the day. The more direct sunlight you can get on the liner the easier it will stretch into place. If you have tried this and the liner is still pulling out you could try building up the cove.

installing a beaded liner

There is very little the hot sun won't fix so I would try this first.

Beaded Liner Installation

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Beaded Liner Keeps Coming Out

What would cause a beaded liner to keep coming out of the bead receiver year after year? We put bead lock in there but it also comes out.


That's one of the reasons I am not a big fan of beaded liners. There is know cure that I know of. The liner needs to stretch more on the sides but a used liner will seldom do that. You could drain it about half way and try refilling in direct sunlight, maybe loosening the liner up enough to stretch a little.

It's probably just time for a new liner and hopefully one that is cut slightly larger. You might also inspect the receivers and replace them if they look bad. Some are not replaceable and some never go bad, it's just something to check.

Another problem I have with beaded liners is the inconsistent fit, no two liners will be the same. Some are loose and baggy while others are too small and tend to pull out on a regular basis.

overlap above ground pool liner

For above ground pools I would much prefer an overlap liner and anytime I have a chance to convert a beaded to an overlap I do. The only reason for a beaded liner would be in cases where the top rail is covered by a deck so they cannot be removed. If the top rails are removable I would go with an overlap liner.

Here is a case where a beaded liner was needed.

Above Ground Pool, Deck and Awning

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Beaded Liner Removal

by Stacy
(Woodbury, NJ)

I am trying to remove a beaded liner in my pool and can't figure out how to do this. I took off the top rail and removed all screws but don't know how to get the liner out.

It's frustrating. I didn't install the pool but had it professionally done so I am clueless.

Hi Stacy.

To remove a beaded liner you should not have to remove the top rails. That is the selling point for using a beaded liner, it can be changed without removing the top rails. This can be useful if you have decking that is built up to or over your rails.

beaded pool liner

To remove the liner it needs to be pulled out of the bead receiver. This should be on the inside of the pool, under the top rail. You may need to pry the liner out with a screw driver to get it started. After it is started it should just pull out with a little upward pull with your hands.

See this page for re-installation tips.

Beaded Liner Installation

Another type of beaded liner, the J-hook, does require the pool rails to come off. Once the rails, plates, and retaining rods are removed the liner just lifts off the wall.

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Liner Lock

by DonW
(Central IL)

Tire Tools

Tire Tools

Can you comment on the effectiveness of Liner Lock for a beaded liner? Opened the pool this year and was welcomed by not only sparkling clear water, but also 4 feet + of liner separation from one end of the pool. Aaarggghhhh! OMG! Now what?

I started to look for the panic button. Some quick research led to some hot water from the tap, 2 1/2 hours of patience and help from a neighbor along with theses babies, the liner was back in the track.

When I installed the liner 5 summers ago it was a hot sunny day with plenty of sunshine. Lots of give to the liner that day. 2 days ago not so much. My fingers are still sore from pulling on the liner while the neighbor used these bicycle tire repair tools to push it back into the bead receiver an inch at a time. The business end was the smooth end, not the notched end.

If I were a pool installer, these would be my go-to tools for jumped beaded liner repairs. I suppose some teaspoons with rounded ends would work also, but these are also angled a bit and fit nicely into the palm of your hand.

Anyways, any thoughts on Liner Lock so this kind of "fun" doesn't happen again?

Hi Don.

This is Liner Lock.

Liner Lock

I love this stuff. I would use it on any liner with a pulling out problem. It should satisfy your needs.

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