Let us help you out with your above ground pool deck design. Looking at some of the decks we have built would be a good start to formulating ideas about how your own pool deck will look. We have several decks pictured on our above ground pool decks page.
An above ground swimming pool deck being installed is shown on our wood decks for above ground pools page. The above ground pool deck and awning page shows photos of one of my favorite projects. These pages should give you an idea as to what can be done in the way of decking for an above ground pool.
One way of dealing with this is to leave a foot or so of pool above the deck. Another way is to use a beaded liner during the initial installation.
This page shows how a beaded liner and an above ground pool deck work together. Below is a photo of a deck partially removed so an oval pool liner, in a pool with a deep end, could be installed. This is barely enough room to get the job done but we did it.
Custom wood decks can get very expensive, especially if you are having to pay someone to build it. Over the years the cost is probably well worth it, but if you are looking for a less expensive shorter term fix a pre-fab deck might be the way to go.
Universal Fan Pool Deck
AGP Pool Help - Everything on this site about Above Ground Pools