The RV Park Life
Are you ready for a different, more active kind of lifestyle? Did you know you no longer have to be retired to live in an RV park? You do not have to be old and you do not have to be a snowbird. But you do have to be ready for fun by the minute and more friends than you know what to do with.
RV Parks have changed a lot over the years. Most parks encourage permanent type dwellings like Park Models. These residents pay rent by the month or by the year. Most parks still have spaces for daily and weekly renters that pass through in their motor homes or travel trailers but Park Models are definitely taking over. Many of the new parks being built are strictly for Park Models.
What is a Park Model? It is somewhere in between a mobile home and a travel trailer. A Park Model must be 400 square feet or less to get into an RV Park. That does not sound very big but the designs are pretty amazing. When you add a full sized awning and an Arizona room to it it becomes very comfortable. Most parks allow these kinds of additions. Sometimes city codes apply and you may need a building permit. But in general adding more living space to a Park Model is easy to do.
At one time RV Parks in the southern states would become ghost towns during the summer months. They are now being occupied more and more by full time residents. More people are finding advantages to living in RV Parks and realizing you do not have to be old and retired to take advantage of all the wonderful features. Who would not like to come home from work and go for swim, visit a nearby patio party and go to dinner with friends.
RV Parks are turning into the perfect place for adults without children to enjoy a full and rich life. They are not at all about sitting around and getting old. Many of the residents are not yet retired and work full or part time. Many have jobs right there in the park, or at a nearby business. Those that are retired usually say they are busier now than they ever were when they were working.
It's not all fun and games at the new RV Parks. They take their charity activities very seriously. Many of the group activities involve giving back to community you are a member of. The charity contributions extend to country and world affairs also. If their is something worth being involved with you can find a support group of other like minded friends.
Staying active is the most important part of staying young. Living the RV Park life is the perfect solution for never ending activities and lasting friendships. It is a lot more fun than sitting around the house and watching TV or going outside to mow the grass. And speaking of grass, never again, all of the maintenance is taken care of for you. Unless you happen to work on the maintenance crew.
Next time you are in one of the sunshine states visit a few of the parks. You may be very surprised at what they have evolved into. If you really just want to kick back and relax there are parks for that also. If an afternoon swim and a weekly patio party is what you are looking for you are not alone. There are still parks out there where that's all there is to do and nobody minds. You will not have a problem finding a park that fits your lifestyle and budget. So, is it time to start living the RV Park life?