Replacing Above Ground Pool Decking

by Gael
(New York)

We have 16x32 above ground pool with aluminum support and deck with plywood sides. The pool is at least 25 years old and aluminum is in good shape.

We want to replace the carpet covered plywood deck with something else. What would be the best solution? The deck is 8x20 on one side and 2 feet wide around the pool. Indoor/outdoor carpet works well but molds easily.

Hi Gael.

Probably your best solution would be to use Trex Deck or something similar. It is specially made for outdoor deck applications. It is a little pricey but makes the perfect deck. It does not get too hot and does not leave splinters in your feet. You can find it in the lumber department of most hardware stores.

Another option is to use 2 x 6 Pine and stain over them when you are finished. Most of our decks are made with white wood and then stained. This is the best option price wise.

The photo below is a very nice do-it-yourself deck. You could possibly do something like this.

do it yourself pool deck

Have a look through our deck pages and see if you can come up with any other ideas that might work.

Above Ground Pool, Deck and Awning

Above Ground Pool Resin Deck

Above Ground Pool Deck Design

Above Ground Pool Decks

Comments for Replacing Above Ground Pool Decking

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Apr 02, 2017
pool deck
by: Anonymous

The deck you have showing the 24 foot. Could you tell me what size post and planks i'll need to build it?

Mar 06, 2020
deck plans
by: judy

I really love this deck. where can I get the plans to build appreciate it Ty

Hi Ty

This is a photo sent to me by a client that I helped with their pool. It is a very nice deck but I know nothing about it beyond that.

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