The Tahitian Above Ground Pool is one of the more popular pools sold on the internet. Maybe it has something to do with the 60 year warranty. Or maybe it is the 8" resin top rails. There are a lot of reasons to like this pool and not so many reasons not to like it. We are going to have a look at them all.
The assembly of this pool is, for the most part, fairly easy. The resin parts are light weight and easy to handle. The curved top rails are unique and kind of stylish making this a visually nice looking pool.
The Tahitian above ground pool is manufactured by Sharkline, one of those well respected, been around forever, kind of pool companies. Their pools have evolved and improved over the years and this is the ultimate Sharkline pool.
I'm not real crazy about some of the resin snap together parts, but that is mostly me being old school. I like metal parts that are held together with screws. I know, maybe I should just get a little more up to speed with the times.
The biggest draw back I have with these pools is the uni-bead liners. Some people love this type of liner but I am not one of them. I would much rather have an overlap liner because I feel they have the best chance of being installed without any wrinkles and a smooth base. That is really an easy fix however, just order some coping strips and stretch the liner in like I do. At least that is what I would do.
Overall, the Tahitian above ground pool is one of the higher quality pools on the market today.
Tahitian Hybrid Pool (#ad)